Echinops telfairi
37 000 rub.

Lesser hedgehog tenrec(Echinops telfairi)

Class — mammalia
Order — afrosoricida
Family — tenrecidae



The Lesser hedgehog tenrec is a small, stout-bodied animal similar to the hedgehog, hence the name. Their tails are short, their limbs and muzzles are of moderate length, and their ears are prominent. The entire dorsum is covered with sharp spines. Color is usually yellow buff; individuals range from near white to almost black. Head and body length is 5 to 6.8 inches (13 to 17 cm). Weight is about 7 ounces (0.2 kg).


It is endemic to Madagascar.


The Lesser hedgehog tenrec is mostly a solitary animal except during breeding or when rearing offspring. Nocturnal in the wild, in captivity they are often active day and night alike. Unlike their cousin hedgehogs, tenrecs are excellent climbers, and use their long toes to hold onto branches. They will roll into a tight ball with their spines sticking out when threatened. If the intruder does not move off, the animal will unroll and charge the offender with its teeth bared. During hot Madagascar summers when water and food are scarce, this species may go into a “summer sleep,” a temporary hibernation known as aestivation.


Lesser hedgehog tenrecs are omnivores, eating insects and their larvae, spiders, eggs, and occasionally fruit.


Breeding typically occurs in September and October, and young are born fairly undeveloped. Gestation lasts about 49 days, and a litter is produced of between one and ten (usually five to seven). One or two litters each year may be produced, depending on the habitat’s conditions. The female looks after the young on her own, remaining nearby even after weaning at about one month old. Maturity is reached after their first cold season in torpor.

In captivity

Lifespan in captivity is 13 years.

It can be kept in a cage or a spacious box. The dimensions are not less than 100x50x60 cm. The substrate: peat, fallen leaves, branches, bark. The daytime temperature - 24-28 °C, night-19-23 °C. The lighting: fluorescent lamp, heating pad with thermostat. Each tenrec should have its own nest (or the house, a grotto, a cave).

The feeding: insects, minced meat, small mice, boiled eggs, cat food, crickets, mealworms, cockroaches, locusts, earthworms, hedgehog food, dried insects, bananas, sweet apples, watermelons, cottage cheese, yogurt. The animal feed is up to 90% of the total diet.

You mustn`t feed: cow's milk.

Frequency of feeding - every day in the dark. Mandatory feeding with vitamins and minerals (calcium).