Nandayus nenday
15 000 rub.

Nanday parakeet, orBlack-hooded parakeet, orNanday conure(Nandayus nenday)

Phylum —chordata
Class — aves
Order — psittaciformes
Family — psittacidae

Genus – nandayus


The Nanday parakeet is 27–30 cm (11–12 in) long, weighs 140 g (4.9 oz), and is mostly green in color. Its most distinguishing characteristic, for which it is named, is its black facial mask and beak. It also shows black, trailing flight feathers on its wings and has a long tail edged at the end in blue. The upper chest is bluish-green and the lower chest is a paler green. Feathers covering the thighs are red.


Nanday parakeets can be found from southeast Bolivia to southwest Brazil, central Paraguay, and northern Argentina, from the region known as the Pantanal.


Nanday parakeets are gregarious birds and are usually seen in flocks of 10-20 birds. After the nesting period, they form rather large communal roosts where all birds sleep together each night until the next breeding season. During the day, Nanday parakeets spend their time foraging in trees or on the ground. Flocks are very noisy and are usually heard before to be seen. The birds communicate to maintain contact between each other and when perched constantly utter shrill chatter.


Nanday parakeets are herbivores. They feed on seeds, fruit, palm nuts, berries, flowers, and buds.


Nanday parakeets are monogamous and form pairs. They breed in November and during this time birds engage in mutual preening and males also perform courtship displays. Pairs usually find holes in trees to nest and strongly defend their nesting territory. Females lay 3-4 eggs and incubate them for 21 to 23 days. The chicks are born blind and helpless. They fledge 8 weeks after hatching and become reproductively mature at the age of 3 years.

Expected lifespan – 25-30 years.

In captivity

Since they're highly intelligent, Black-hooded parakeets require a fair amount of socialization and mental stimulation. Owners should plan to spend a few hours every day interacting with their bird because it will need sufficient time outside its cage.

Nandays require a 3-foot-tall large cage which allows them to fly. If they have a larger cage, they can exercise when they are confined. At a minimum, a cage that is 20 inches square and 36 inches high is recommended, though larger is better because this bird really needs to stretch its wings.

They also enjoy bathing regularly. Your bird will be delighted if you leave a dish of water in its cage. Many owners say that a pie dish is a perfect size.

These birds do very well with multiple people and strangers. Introduce them early to new faces, and they will be very social with anyone who walks into your home.

Exercise is particularly crucial for Black-hooded parakeets as they are an active, high-energy species. The bird should be allowed a minimum of four hours outside of its cage per day.

Since they are so intelligent, they require adequate mental stimulation as well. These birds need plenty of toys to keep them occupied.  They like to chew, so be sure to have a good stock available when one gets used up.

You will enjoy training your bird to do tricks, it will be highly receptive. With positive reinforcement, nandays are quick to pick up new skills like turning around, waving, and dancing. This bird usually thrives stimulated by challenges.

For pet nandays, adding high-quality pellets and seeds to a daily diet of fresh fruits and vegetables should ensure your bird is getting all the nutrition it needs. You can give them an unlimited amount of pellet food; they will only eat what they need. As for fresh fruits and veggies, offer about a 1/8 to 1/4 cup in the morning and at night.

Grapes, apples, broccoli, and tomatoes are favorite foods for this species. Include a daily serving of nutrition-packed leafy greens like spinach and kale. You can also add protein to a nanday's diet.

Foods that are toxic to these birds include avocado, chocolate, coffee, and anything with salt.