Cacatua goffini
45 000 rub.

Tanimbar corella, or Goffin's cockatoo, orGoffin's corella(Cacatua goffini, orCacatua goffiniana, or Kakatoe goffini)

Phylum —chordata
Class — aves
Order — psittaciformes
Family — cacatuidae

Genus – cacatua


Tanimbar corellas weigh, on average, about 250 g (9 oz) for females and 300 g (11 oz) for males. They are about 31 cm (12 in) from head to tail.

The Tanimbar corella is crested, meaning it has a collection of feathers on its head that it can raise or lower. Its body is mainly covered with white feathers, with salmon or pink colored feathers between the beak and eyes. The deeper (proximal) parts of the crest feathers and neck feathers are also a salmon color, but the coloration here is hidden by the white color of the more superficial (distal) areas of these feathers. The underside of its wing and tail feathers exhibit a yellowish tinge. The beak is pale grey and eye color ranges from brown to black. Both sexes are similar.


Goffin’s cockatoos are endemic to Yamdena, Selaru, and Larat, islands in Indonesia’s Tanimbar Islands archipelago.


Goffin’s cockatoos are diurnal and require daylight to find their food. They typically inhabit coastal lowland forests in flocks of up to 300. They feed up in the treetops and also raid maize crops. They are conspicuous noisy birds and are usually observed in small flocks or in pairs during the mating season.

Pet Goffin’s cockatoos hand-reared from hatching are able to imitate human speech, but in general they do not make good talkers. Usually they are quiet, but can utter a loud screeching noise. Good as pets, they are sociable and friendly. Like most cockatoos, they like being handled and stroked. These birds are intelligent and can be trained and will learn tricks.


Goffin’s cockatoos are omnivorous, feeding in the treetops on nuts, seeds, berries, fruit, and blossoms, as well as insects and their larvae.


This species is monogamous, and mates form long-lasting bonds. They nest in tree hollows. Usually a clutch numbers 2-3 eggs. Male and female both share the incubation, which is for approximately 28 days. Chicks fledge at around 8-11 weeks.

The maximum recorded lifespan for a captive Tanimbar corella is 26 years – though this figure may be a significant under-representation, considering the long-lived nature of many other cockatoo species.

In captivity

Loving and affectionate, Goffin's cockatoos bond strongly with their owners and require daily interaction to maintain their mental and emotional health. They are best suited to experienced bird owners. It's essential to set your boundaries early in the relationship with a new bird. You'll want to find a balance between too much and not enough attention. This balance of your time will help ensure the bird is well socialized but can also handle some time alone when you're gone.

The fact that they don't require as much space makes the Goffin's cockatoo a popular pet with those who don't have room to house a larger cockatoo species. The minimum cage size - 5 feet tall by 24 inches deep by 36 inches wide. This species likes to chew and can destroy a cage, so make sure that the one you choose is tough (preferably wrought iron).

Goffin's cockatoos are active birds that need plenty of activity to stay healthy. Owners should give their birds a minimum of three to four supervised hours outside of the cage each day to play and stretch their muscles. Out-of-cage time also gives these birds a sense of independence. Time outside the cage is ideal for training. Be consistent, so your bird remains tame and well adjusted to life in your home. Get a play stand for out-of-cage time; it is a perfect accessory for this. Birds will use it like a personal gymnasium, where they can play with toys, climb up and down, grab treats, and eat snacks. The toys and treats will keep your bird occupied and stimulated.

Get interactive toys to ensure that your birds get the exercise they need to stay in good physical and mental condition. Give your bird puzzles like knots to untie and things they can take apart. Chew toys allow these birds to use their natural inclination to bite on something. Tap into their foraging instinct by hiding toys or treats for the bird to find.

In captivity, all cockatoos, including Goffin's, are prone to excessive weight gain. Owners need to monitor fat intake. A high-quality, formulated pellet should make up 75 percent of their nutrition. A wide variety of healthy, raw vegetables, grains, greens, fruits, and, occasionally, nuts are supplemental (25 percent).

Feed approximately 3/4 cup of formulated diet and 1/4 cup of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. If the bird consumes all of its food, add small amounts as desired. For a treat, consider offering sprouted seeds as a healthy alternative to dried seeds; dried seeds are high in fat.