Eublepharis angramainyu
3 000-10 000 rub

Western leopard gecko,or Iranian fat-tailed gecko (Eublepharis angramainyu)

Class — reptilia
Order — squamata
Family — eublepharidae

Genus – eublepharis


The Iranian fat-tailed gecko's color and pattern varies regionally. Its body is generally a shade of yellow with a pale white stipe from the neck to the tail, flanked by brownish-lavender bands. Its head is pale with a reticulated, or web-like, pattern made up of dark, blotchy, thick lines. The underside of its head is typically pale or white. A newborn Iranian gecko's pattern is distinct from an adult's. It has only three solid, dark lines across its back, which fade as the gecko grows older and develops its adult pattern.

When threatened, this gecko can detach its thick tail to distract a predator while it flees. The tail can later regenerate but will grow back abnormally shaped. Iranian geckos also have long toes and spider-like legs that help them climb and navigate the mountainous terrain where they live.

Their bodies are covered in small bumps, called tubercles, which can secrete a liquid irritant capable of causing numbness, pain and swelling on any skin that comes in contact with the liquid. Male Iranian fat-tailed geckos have 11 to 17 preanal pores arranged in an inverted “V” shape. Females also have preanal pores, but they are quite faint.

From snout to tail, aWestern leopard gecko can be 8-12 inches long (20-30 centimeters), with its tail making up about 40% of its total length. This variation in size is due to geographic location. Smaller geckos are found in the Kermanshah Province, and the largest individuals are in the Ilam Province. Females are smaller than males, with females weighing 3.5-5.3 ounces (100-150 grams) and males weighing 5-6.5 ounces (140-186 grams).


Iranian fat-tailed geckos are terrestrial and occupy semi-desert or semi-arid mountainous regions in northeastern Syria, northern Iraq, west-central Iran, and Turkey.


When frightened, the Western leopard geckowill push itself onto the tips of its long toes to lift itself off the ground. This display is accompanied by a loud hissing or squealing noise. The gecko may also wrap its tail around a predator and defecate or bite if given the opportunity.

As a nocturnal species, these lizards spend their days in deep crevices or gypsum caverns where water is abundant.


Iranian fat-tailed geckos are opportunistic carnivores. They eat grasshoppers, scorpions, beetles, spiders and small lizards.


Iranian fat-tailed geckos can begin breeding after they are 2 years old. They lay clutches of two eggs several times per year, usually between May and June. Not much is known about their young in the wild. At zoos or under human care, breeders report that hatchlings grow rapidly until they reach their full size at 3-4 years old.

The lifespan of these lizards is average: stronger males can live in nature up to 8-10 years, females -slightly less – 5-8 years.In favorable artificial conditions, this gecko can live up to 30 years.

In captivity

These reptiles show an amazing attachment for lizards to a person; over time they are even able to recognize their owner among other people. The Western leopard geckosare incredibly clean. They learn to defecate in a certain place of the terrarium and never litter its entire territory.

It is unacceptable keep more than one male due to their intraspecific aggressiveness:it often causes the death or injury of one of them. At the age of 6-7 months, animals can be kept in groups with 4 or 5 females and one male.

In captivity lizards do not need large areas. A 40x40x30 cm terrarium is enough for a group of animals. It must have a small container of water. Although geckos eat at +14-16 °C, they need up to 35 °C of heat area to feel good and grow well. Heating can be provided best by installing a heating cable in a place of the shelter under the bottom of the terrarium.

Up to 3 months of age, geckos should be fed daily, from 3 to 6 months – every other day, then 2-3 times a week. It should be noted that an Iranian fat-tailed gecko is not choosy at food. It willingly eats crickets, cockroaches, grasshoppers, mealworms, spiders, newborn mice and will never refuse to eat a lizard of the right size. Adult females willingly eat pieces of juicy fruits (bananas, apples, pears) and vegetables (cabbage, carrots). Food for small geckos is insects of a suitable size, while it is necessary to add calcium-containing preparations and weekly vitaminisation.